Senator Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Colorado last night [click to read]. Rappers and others tuned in to see what would be said. The night kicked off with a performance from [click to read] and John Legend and a speech from former Vice President Al Gore [click to read]. Rappers Bun B [click to read], Big Boi [click to read] and Murs all gave their opinions as an MTV play by play of the speech. Some of their comments can be read below:

Bun B: “The video intro is very moving. Candid shots of Barack Obama throughout his life really gives a better look at how his character was built. It gives him an even stronger connection to the people by showing his struggle, and how parallel it is to ours.

Through hard work and sacrifice, Barack feels this country can achieve its goals. He’s right. These are the principles this land was built on. It’s what will keep this country strong.

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He speaks of how this country is better than the examples set by the consequences of the administration. It’s true that Bush’s regime has left us with higher unemployment rates. The jobs being shipped overseas continue to cripple this economy.

We need to change the idea that people can’t argue respectfully. This is very true today. In order to effect change on the other side we have to be willing to listen as well as be heard.

If McCain is willing to have a debate about who’s better to be commander in chief he’s ready. Also he wants to send troops to Afghanistan. Claims McCain will follow Osama to the gates of hell but won’t even meet him at the gates of his house. Perfect sentiment of everyone I know.

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If McCain wants to follow Bush’s strategy that’s fine but it don’t help us. Our foreign policy is falling apart and we must change it. I know I’m personally tired of how we look to the rest of the world. It’s time to be proud to be American again.

Murs: “The new slogan is born ‘eight is enough.’ I appreciate sen. Obama always acknowledging mccains service to our country. And despite him being the Democratic nominee he continues to address America as a whole Republicans and independents included.

The comment on individual responsibility was my favorite by far. I like the comment about properly equipping and caring for our troops. But would prefer the mention of the word peace at least once.

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Now this is what I’m talking about! Specifics. Clean water. Ten year plan to end our dependence on foreign oil. Tax cuts for small biz owners like my mother and myself. Domestically built energy efficient cars? Who could be against that?

He said, ‘our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.’ Wow! Bold. But I’m definitely feeling the statement and his stance about finding a common ground when in a disagreement.

Big Boi:The points he made about the mental and physical care of the troops upon returning home from battle was very important. My father was a veteran and that is a key topic for me. These men and women come back from defending our way of life and can’t even get the care they deserve.

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