Q-Tip (Kamaal Ibn John Fareed) of A Tribe Called Quest fame officially endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama in his bid for the presidency with an impassioned statement. Q-Tip officially joins the ranks of many people in the hip-hop community who have endorsed Senator Obama’s campaign for President of the United States. The statement truly embraces Sen. Obama’s campaign slogan of being “Fired Up” for a change in the Oval Office. Q-Tip’s announcement came right before “Super Tuesday”, the date when the United States is swept up in virtually a national primary. Twenty-two states have their primaries (along with American Samoa) and historically “Super Tuesday” is the deciding factor in which candidates receive each party’s nomination. With Senator Obama and Senator Hilary Clinton in basically a dead heat, this day holds even more significance. Here is Q-Tip’s statement in its entirety:

“We are in the midst of a very important time in our history. The world is fixated on an American election for many obvious reasons. Abroad, young Americans are dying in a poorly managed and ill-conceived war. America’s prestige as a moral leader has suffered as a result of a divisive approach to foreign policy. Unfair trade practices have resulted in the loss of countless jobs and toxic products for children have reached our shores. Untold millions are unable to pay their mortgages and afford the cost of gas. Global warming and its effects are spreading at an unchecked pace, and special interests have frozen the nation¹s governance into inaction. Given this disturbing climate at home and abroad, it is imperative that we break out of old habits and politics as usual. It is time we endorse real change. This is why I endorse Senator Barack Obama for President. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be apart of a great American culture with the Hip Hop movement. The music that I created was inspired by fresh, new ideas in expression.  I have always strived to let that sentiment live in my music. Hip Hop continues to be a mighty voice for the disenfranchised, the disillusioned and poor. Senator Obama offers the best opportunities for all of us who fit these descriptions.  A large amount of us still remain unregistered to vote, and Barack Obama not only represents unification of our communities by his presidential platform but the ignition of the light that remains untouched by any political figure.

Hip Hop culture was the product of the impoverished who found strength and solace in this music phenomenon. It is a transformational art form born of neighborhoods where crime and drugs were on the rise and self-esteem was sinking.  The education system was failing, and the odds were against us. But as a people, we persevered. I know about having true substance, new ideas and a desire for fundamental change like Senator Obama.  This is not an emotional decision, although I am moved by Obama¹s American story. I am endorsing Barack Obama because I feel that we can benefit greatly from a leader that offers sound judgment and experience rooted in the lives of real people. We can change our economy.  We can change our health care.  We can change the course of the Iraq war. We can change our neighbor¹s minds about nuclear weapons.  The only way we can have this renaissance is with the Senator from Illinois as President of the United States. We are on the brink of moving past our stigmas and preconceived thoughts to make a substantive decision for change… The change is Barack Obama.”

Reported By Jake Spilman Jr.

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