On the latter half of his Under Pressure record “Buried Alive,” Logic raps “I know, I’mma keep going / Tell me I can’t but I’m already knowing / I know, I’m gonna rise / Even though I’ve been buried alive.” While those lyrics in particular speak to overcoming obstacles, according to the Gaithersburg, Maryland rapper, the entire record speaks to overcoming self-doubt.

Logic offered an in-depth explanation of the record with MTV News while he was on the set of his “Buried Alive” music video late last month. While speaking on writing the record, he recalled not getting the shine he deserved and not being where he wanted to be with his music career.

“When I started writing I felt like I wasn’t getting the shine I deserved,” Logic said. “I wasn’t necessarily where I wanted to be in the Hip Hop world. You know what I’m saying? And we all have that self-doubt. A lot of the song is basically just about the self-doubt we can have, but overcoming that.”

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Logic also spoke briefly on the concept of the music video, which consists of him riding on a high-speed train. He says that element of the video is something he may have been scared to do in the past, but added that based on how far he’s come with his career, he could care less about the thoughts of others.

“I would have been too scared to do this before,” he said. “Now I’m like ‘I don’t give a damn. I’mma be a superhero. I’mma be whatever the hell I want to be.’ I wake up every day and I think I used to wake up and go flip burgers and cook French fries. And now this is what I do, like ‘Who gives a damn what anybody else thinks about me as long as I’m happy.’”

Logic’s Under Pressure album was released in October of last year and went on to receive a 4.5 rating from HipHopDX.

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